Friday, February 29, 2008

Fisher-Price Nature's Touch Baby Papasan Cradle Swing

The Nature's Touch Baby Papasan Cradle Swing provides soothing swinging variety for your baby. Not only does it swing front-to-back like a traditional swing, but it also has a gentle side-to-side motion like a cradle swing. This cozy nest-like seat comfortably cradles your baby in soft, multi-textured materials. Overhead a soothing motorized mobile incorporates 3 characters - a bird, a butterfly and a dragonfly - that each "fly" with a distinct gentle motion around a mirrored globe that allows your baby to see his or her surroundings. The Papasan Swing's removable toy bar features a fun toy, bead bars and a tray space providing additional activities. The swing features 6 speeds, 8 soothing songs, peaceful nature sounds, an infant head support insert and a 2-position seat recline. Folds easily for storage.

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